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The Ghost and Mr Chicken Full Movie Download

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The Ghost and Mr Chicken 1966 (1966)

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The Ghost and Mr Chicken 1966

(in Hollywood Movies)

The Ghost and Mr Chicken 1966 (1966) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream The Ghost and Mr Chicken 1966 on your mobile, tablets and ipads

Plot: Luther Heggs aspires to being a reporter for his small town newspaper, the Rachel Courier Express. He gets his big break when the editor asks him to spend the night at the Simmons mansion ...

90 mins

Release Date:

20 Jan 1966

Starcast: Don Knotts, Joan Staley, Liam Redmond

Director(s): Alan Rafkin

Comedy, Family, Mystery,




IMDb Rating:

7.3 /10 (5190 votes)


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    Top IMDb Reviews (Caution: May contain spoliers)

    A Masterpiece of Americana (by Gooper)
    This picture is easy to rave about. I don't know how many times I've seen it, but 'Chicken' never fails to work its magic. A thesis could be written on its gentle lampooning of small town America, the travails of the 'little guy', and the character studies which show the human comedy which surrounds us every day of our lives. Pretty much every scene is a classic of comedy, from the malfunctioning elevator operator to the repeated motifs of 'Atta boy, Luther/Carlyle/Judge' and 'And they used Bon Ami!' It's also a treasure trove of fine performances, <more>

    from Burt Mustin to Jesslyn Fax, not to mention Don K., of course. Reta Shaw, James Millhollin, Harry Hickox, Hope Summers, Philip "Phil" Ober, Harry Hines, Eddie Quillan, Herbie "I'm almost up to my Jell-o" Faye, Charles Lane, and the great Al Checco, what could be better? Everything is genuine, from wise-apple Skip Homier's matching with former Playboy model Joan "Above Average" Staley to Luther's accurate but frenzied punching of the transmission buttons in the center of the steering wheel of his 1958 Edsel. Vic Mizzy's score is incredible, and his crazed organ toccata will burn itself into your memory even more than his trademark electric guitar accents. Everything is well-composed in Techniscope. This picture, along with the rest of the Knotts Universal contract climaxing in the very odd but hilarious 'The Love God?' , plus 'Angel in My Pocket', and even 'Cold Turkey' form an amazing comic vision of Americana, created by brilliant minds who knew how to capture it without resorting to cheap shots or vulgarity. 'Chicken' is a great comedy, a classic, and its greatness is found in its humbleness.

    Great fun for kids and family... (by Bladerunner&#149;)
    This is a fun family comedy, that doesn't have the syrupy "message" nonsense you find in such movies today. This film hinges on Don Knotts and his trademark physical comedy, which he delivers with ease. I loved his movies as a kid, and my kids love them too. It is amazing how much Knotts is willing to make himself look completely ridiculous to make you laugh. One such scene happens when he is courting his girlfriend on the porch of his boarding house. He starts to chop his hands in the air, she asks what he is doing, he replies "Oh that's karate, I've been studying <more>

    it through the mail for years". Then he puffs up his chest and boasts, "My whole body's a weapon". You almost can't watch it, but my seven and nine-year-old sons make me rewind it over and over, laughing their heads off each time.Introduce your kids to this, and other silly movies starring Don Knotts. They'll enjoy them, and it will give them a little insight into your world as a child.

    Even the fun is frightening! (by phillindholm)
    What more can be said for this film? "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" is as much a nostalgic picture of small town life as is "The Music Man" as it is a family horror-mystery. The cast, led by Knotts is terrific, the production full of charm, and the musical score by the estimable Vic Mizzy, perfect. Despite the low budget, it looks like every penny got on the screen, and the film was a hit, so much so that it led to other Knotts vehicles such as "The Reluctant Astronaut" and "The Shakiest Gun in the West". They were enjoyable as well, but nothing tops <more>

    this one! It was available as a widescreen DVD a couple of years ago, but it's no longer in print. It is now available as part of a set called "The Don Knotts Reluctant Hero" package. It's well worth getting while it still can be gotten! The original theatrical trailer is included, and the enhanced print is beautiful. And remember: "He saw those things!".

    Attaboy Luther! (by bwaynef)
    The first film Don Knotts made after leaving Mayberry to sign a multi-film contract with Universal, I first saw "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" as a tiny tot when it played in support of "Munsters, Go Home" at the drive-in, and it was so funny I forgot all about the severe sunburn I had acquired at the beach earlier in the day. And now, 37 years later, it's still hilarious. An adult, especially a college graduate who majored in English, isn't supposed to admit that "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" is one of his favorite films, at least not without embarrassment at <more>

    his lack of "sophistication," but I admit it with pride. Knotts may not have had a film career on a par with Laurel and Hardy, but he's their equal in my book and this is his best film. It even manages to be genuinely spooky at times that organ music-yikes! . This is a comedy classic, and a family film in the best sense of the word.

    Entertaining horror spoof of a more innocent time. (by Elswet)
    As the spunky, witty typesetter of the local newspaper who is sometimes afraid of his own shadow, Don Knotts goes up against the local legendary haunted house, a garden-shears-carrying nemesis, and a real true to life bad guy in this funny, quirky, endearing mystery from Universal's 1966 archives."Everything I ever needed to know about life, I learned from the Ghost and Mr. Chicken." the Fiend :.This is an excellent, wholesome horror/comedy featuring many of your favorite members of the "Mayberry" bunch. It's delightful entertainment for the whole family, and one <more>

    of Knotts's best performances as the underdog with the stout heart and quaky knees.And best of all, the ending is a bit of a surprise. This was my favorite movie as a child, and it rates a 9/10 from...the Fiend :.

    An excellent and hilarious film (by jimrobbins)
    This film showcases comedy from start to finish. Don Knotts stars and his outstanding performance in this film demonstrates a gift for comedy that very few actors have, and which is never seen in today's films. This movie is family-friendly, does not include offensive language of any kind, and holds the viewer's interest consistently. Many talented character actors appear in this film in supporting roles, including Dick York and Joan Staley. Ms. Staley shines as Knott's love interest, helping him to solve a mystery in a haunted house. Small town American characters give the viewer <more>

    a look at America as it was in 1963. If you like movies about haunted houses, and you like comedy, this one is a "must see". This is the first movie by Don Knotts after he left The Andy Griffith Show, a sitcom staple of the early 1960's.

    Great family film! (by aadue-186-652060)
    My family used to rent the VHS all the time! We could never find it for sale. Thank God for DVDs.This has to be Don Knotts' best film. There are lots of good jokes including several running gags , and the classic Don Knotts formula-- Small town nothing becomes a hero, reluctantly. Oh, and the actress Joan Staley is a BABE.Moving on.This film also scared the crap out of me as a kid. Particularly the organ stuff. However, this was the good kind of scared the crap out of me that all children should experience. Like Snow White, the end of Return of the Jedi, etc.If you have any sense of <more>

    humor, you will like this movie. Get it, watch it, enjoy.P.S. Atta boy, Luther!

    Knott's best film (by mr. sardonicus)
    Lots of fun. This is without doubt Don Knotts' best film role--the role he was born to play. No one could have portrayed the nervous, constantly agitated Luther Heggs like Knotts. Wonderful entertainment for the whole family. If the anxious, self-doubting stereotypic Knotts character turns you off, then this movie is not for you. However, if you loved Knotts as Barney Fife, you should get a kick out of Mr. Chicken. There are many good scenes, but my favorite is the pained speech he gives at the picnic--hilarious.
    A Truly Wonderful Movie despite one chowderhead (by dhansen2k)
    I just read through the, I believe, 33 reviews of this movie. Except for a very few, they were mostly glowing. Then I got to the end and read the comments from "chowderhead" his name must give you a clue, he is a chowderhead. Our "friend" chowderhead, tells us he's watched the movie three times... "so far" what a life he must live. Now, what kind of a chowderhead watches a movie three times and still claims he hated it? Only a chowderhead, in my opinion.I too first saw this movie as a 9-year-old boy and was spooked, entertained and amused by it from <more>

    beginning to end. As a grown-up, I find it still holds up excellently and I'm thankful that we have the technology to enjoy films of the past. And this one really holds up as well as any of them. So if you just want to see a really entertaining mildly spooky and funny movie, one that you can enjoy with your kids, then go out and rent or buy "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken." Unless you're some kind of a chowderhead.ELIMIDATE? Don't even get me started.


The Ghost and Mr Chicken Full Movie Download
