Kodak Black case

Kodak Black is facing additional indictments today after the Miami-Dade Land Chaser'southward office filed new gun charges confronting the incarcerated rapper.

Kodak Black, whose existent name is Bill K. Kapri, was arrested before this twelvemonth in May at the Rolling Loud Festival. The troubled rapper who is no stranger to the inside was picked upward for falsifying information produced on federal documents filed to obtain three firearms back in Jan. Kapri, who has already been banned from purchasing guns from a previous accuse, reportedly used another individual's social security and lied about his criminal history in society to obtain the pistols. Information technology was later reported that i of the guns he purchased was believed to be fired in an assail on ii homes in Broward Canton.

Attorneys for the troubled rapper argued that the guns were solely for cocky-defence as Kodak had been getting death threats from gangs. During his court trial, the judge reportedly told the rapper that "Young people exercise stupid things and I ordinarily requite them a interruption for that," Judge Federico Moreno said. "The problem is that you lot have been doing stupid things since fifteen." While Kodak was facing upwards to 10 years in prison house, the judge only handed downwards 46 months.

On Friday, Miami-Dade Attorney's charged Kodak with two counts of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. This comes just a few days after Black'south news of his drastically reduced sentence. Now that he is facing more weapons charges, the "Finesse Kid" is looking at upwards to 30 years behind bars – ten times his electric current judgement. Legal documents cite the Florida rapper as a "habitual violent offender," according to the Miami Herald.

Kodak is still in custody and shared a photo and message to his fans just this week. Captioning a smiling version of himself in his prison fit, the rapper asked fans to "hold it downwardly" while he'southward gone. Little did we know he could be gone for decades. We hope Kodak Black can shortly be rid of these legal woes. It would be devastating to Kodak fans if the rapper really went away for 30 whole years.