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How to Start a Kids Book Club

How to save money on books and build friendships by starting a kids book society. Sponsored past Ring.

How to save money on books and build friendships by starting a kids book club.

Our oldest daughter is a voracious reader and loves nothing more than to roll up on the burrow with a skilful book. As a parent, I love that she loves to read so much! However, she usually finishes an entire chapter book in a day or ii…tops. Even shopping at discount and used book stores, it's still pretty pricey to keep up with her.

PS – Be certain to read the full post to detect out how to enter your guild, team, or group to win up to $2000 for the 2018-2019 school year in the Dorsum with BAND Sponsorship Event!

How to Start a Kids Book Club

Of grade the library is always an option, but my husband recently had an idea that I loved so much I wanted to share. He suggested starting a kids book club where our daughter and her friends could trade books with each other. That way the kids would always have something new to read and we parents would salve money instead of ownership all new books.

How to save money on books and build friendships by starting a kids book club.

Our kids book gild has three principal goals:

  1. Encourage and build friendships
  2. Save money past trading books among members
  3. Develop critical thinking through discussions nearly books that the kids read

How it works:

At grouping meetings, the kids bring books they've finished reading and borrow books from their friends. We as well made a printable reading log and so the kids can go on track of what they've read, which books are their favorites, etc.

free printable reading log for a kids book club

Click hither to print our free Kids Book Gild Reading Log!

Once a month is probably a realistic goal to have meetings, but with the Ring app we are able to "encounter" nearly through group chats every bit well every bit stay organized and gear up up trades.

What is Band?

BAND is a mobile and desktop app that allows you to create groups (aka "bands") to talk, organize, and programme events for your club or arrangement. Many parents are organizing their kids' sports teams and after-school activities using BAND.

Starting a grouping (similar our kids book club) on Band is easy!

Hither'southward how:

  1. Download Band from the iTunes App Store or GooglePlay (the app is gratuitous!) There's likewise a desktop version so you can access on your calculator.
  2. Create and personalize your group.
  3. Invite members.
  4. Schedule events, share photos, and chat away! I'll tell y'all about my favorite features in just a minute…

BAND app for groups and sports

What sets BAND apart from social media apps?

You lot might be thinking "why wouldn't I just create a group on one of my existing social media apps?"

I don't know near you, simply I'm easily distracted on social media. There's and so much going on! It's easy for one specific grouping to get lost in the shuffle.

One minute I'm trying to organize a group meeting…and before I know information technology I'm watching videos of cats doing funny stuff or checking out my friend'due south holiday photos.

social media overload

That's why Band comes in handy — information technology's completely dedicated to providing the best experience for you lot and your group. Did I mention it'southward free?

These are my favorite aspects:

1. You'll Never Miss a Post

Have yous ever been in a group on social media and missed an important mail service?

Maybe your feed is so crowded with other stuff that you didn't see posts from the group. Or perhaps the platform's algorithm didn't even testify you all the posts from your group in the beginning place!

Those are the 2 master reasons that Band does groups better than social media. On BAND, groups are what it's all about! You'll never miss a grouping event again considering your social media platform idea that the posts weren't of import enough to show you.

Create safe private groups with BAND

2. Private Groups Are Truly Private

On other social media platforms, even in closed or supposedly private groups, if some other member shares a post it can let non-members to see it.

With kids organizations, privacy is a huge concern and that's why Band is so pop with parents. Specifically, the fact that merely members of private groups can view what is posted. Parents especially beloved this characteristic considering it allows them to share photos of their children without worrying about who might see them.

Since the grouping is secure, I feel comfy with the idea of the kids chatting among themselves. That way they tin "encounter" virtually when it's not possible to get together in person. Unlike other online platforms where you don't know who might drib in and try to talk to your kids, your group on Band is individual.

3. BAND is ALL Almost Groups

Since Band is all almost groups, yous get more than and better features to utilize:

  • Agenda — A shared calendar that all members tin can edit and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  • Grouping Conversation — Any member can initiate a conversation and everyone tin can participate. It'due south a great mode to stay upwardly-to-appointment and connected with each other in real fourth dimension.
  • Group File Sharing — Share photos, documents and more than deeply and with total privacy. Group resources are hands accessed by members, but not by anyone else outside the group.
  • Grouping Call — When you tin can't meet in person, phonation chat is the adjacent best thing. Group call makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for whatsoever and all members to stay in impact.
  • Community Lath — Recollect of information technology like a group bulletin board where members can post about events, ideas, and more. You can fifty-fifty mark some posts as more important so they'll be at the top of the board.
  • Event RSVPs — Encounter who's coming to your group meetings and how many guests they're bringing.
  • To-Do Lists & Sign-Up Sheets — Assign specific tasks to group members, who tin check them off when complete. For case, if you lot're planning a party, you can make a list of food and supplies needed and go on track as those needs are fulfilled.Come across screenshot below.
  • Polls — Perfect for planning! Inquire the grouping their ideas and input and see results instantly.

Create polls and to-do lists with BAND

If information technology seems like a lot, that'south considering it is! BAND is packed with cool features that I can't actually do justice writing almost — you've got to experience the app to come across for yourself!

Enter Your Club or Team for a Chance to Win a $2000 Sponsorship

It's not piece of cake or cheap to run a group or squad, so this yr BAND is launching a#BackwithBAND sponsorship upshot to assist support 2019 teams with up to $2000!

Here'southward a breakdown of all the prizes:

  • Third Prize: $100 in Amazon Gift Cards (1,900 Teams)
  • Second Prize: $300 in Amazon Gift Cards (100 Teams)
  • First Prize: $2,000 in Cash or Visa Gift Cards (19 Teams)

How to enter:

  1. Create a new BAND for your team
  2. Invite five (or more) teammates.

How to invite friends to BAND

It's super piece of cake to enter, and there are thousands of prizes up for grabs! What are you waiting for?!

Click here to learn more about how Band tin help your kids group or squad rock this school year and to enter!

Rules: 1 entry per team; just new BANDs created using Contest Entry Page will be valid. Contest runs August 13th – September 30th, 2018. Winners randomly selected and results announced each calendar week throughout the event period.

Popular Means to Utilise BAND

A kids book club is just one fashion to use the Band app — the possibilities are unlimited!

  • Sports teams
  • Church groups
  • Parent Teacher Associations
  • Form Reunions
  • Family unit Vacations
  • Weddings
  • Summer Camps
  • Business organisation and Role Organization

Click here to create a new Band and enter to win up to $2000 for your squad or grouping!

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