5 Pictures of Different Animals
Is this the funniest animal picture ever?

(Image credit: © Mark Fitzpatrick / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards finalists have been announced
Feast your eyes on some of the most amusing animal photos ever, as we unveil the winner of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020. The competition is designed to raise awareness of the need for conservation, and it's run in association with Born Free.
Competing against 7,000 entries, this year's overall winner was Mark Fitzpatrick for this rebellious turtle picture. "I was swimming with this turtle at Lady Elliot Island on the Great Barrier Reef when he flipped me the bird!" said Fitzpatrick. His picture also won the 'Creatures under the water' award category.
"It's been amazing to see the reaction to my photo of Terry the Turtle flipping the bird, with Terry giving people a laugh in what has been a difficult year for many, as well as helping spread an important conservation message," said Fitzpatrick. "Hopefully, Terry the Turtle can encourage more people to take a moment and think about how much our incredible wildlife depend on us and what we can do to help them. Flippers crossed that this award puts Terry in a better mood the next time I see him at Lady Elliot Island!"
We have also included category winners, highly commended and the finalists in this gallery, so go on and have a chortle at these amazing photos.

(Image credit: © Charlie Davidson / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Almost time to get up
Charlie Davidson photographed this amusing racoon in Newport News, Virginia.
"The raccoon was just waking up and stretching. We have a raccoon in this tree every so often, sometimes for a night and sometimes for a month," said Davidson.

(Image credit: © Tim Hearn / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Hide and seek
This azure damselfly, photographed by Tim Hearn in Devon, U.K., doesn't quite understand hide and seek.
"As this Azure damselfly slowly woke up, he became aware of my presence," said Hern. "I was lined up to take a profile picture of his wings and body, but quite sensibly the damsel reacted to the human with the camera by putting the Marsh grass stem between me and it. I took the shot anyway. It was only later that I realised how characterful it was. And how much the damselfly looks like one of the muppets."

(Image credit: © Roland Kranitz / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
O Sole Mio
Roland Kranitz photographed this sweet ground squirrel in Hungary. "It's like he was just 'singing' to me! She had a very nice voice," said Kranitz.

(Image credit: © Olin Rogers / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
I've got you this time!
Olin Rogers took this photo of a playful lion cub stalking his brother from atop a termite mound at Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe.

(Image credit: © Daisy Gilardini / Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020)
Deadly Fart
Daisy Gilardini shot this series of images at Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, United States. "A brown bear is lifting its leg to smell after a fart... then collapses," said Gilardini.

(Image credit: © Arthur Telle Thiemenn / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
This smiley Mediterranean parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense) was photographed by Arturo Telle Thiemenn in El Hierro, Canary Islands.
"Among a group of parrot fish I saw this one, with a crooked mouth, looking like it was smiling," said Thiemenn. "I don't know if it was caused by a fishing hook, or just something hard that it tried to bite. I concentrated on it, and it took me several minutes until I got this frontal shot... and yes, it made my day!"

(Image credit: © Ayala Fishaimer / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Tough negotiations
Ayala Fishaimer photographed this curious conversation in Israel.
"I was came across a foxes den while I was traveling, looking for some nature, in the nearby fields. I spent an entire magical morning with four cute fox cubs. At some point I noticed that one of the cubs start sniffing around, and a seconds after, he pulled this shrew (which he probably hid there earlier) out of the sand and started playing with it," said Fishaimer. "After a while, the fox cub stood on the stone and threw the shrew in the air... the shrew landed in such a way that it seemed as if they were having a conversation, and he is asking the fox, 'Please don't kill me'. [It] actually reminded me of a Scene from 'The Gruffalo' story."

(Image credit: © Krisztina Scheeff / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Seriously, would you share some?
Krisztina Scheeff photographed this greedy Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) in Scotland.
"Atlantic Puffins are amazing flyers and their fishing talents are - well - as you see some do better than others!" said Scheeff. "I just love the second Puffin's look - can I just have one please?"

(Image credit: © Luis Burgueño/ Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
I had to stay late at work
Luis Burgueño photographed this funny scene between two southern elephant seals at Isla Escondida in Patagonia.

(Image credit: © Megan Lorenz / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Monkey business
Megan Lorenz photographed these frisky pig-tailed macaques at Kinabatangan River in Borneo, Malaysia.
"While on a trip to Borneo, I had many opportunities to watch monkeys interacting with each other. These Pig-Tailed Macaques showed me a bit more than I bargained for!" said Lorenz. "Don't blame me... I just take the photos, I can't control the wildlife!"

(Image credit: © Petr Sochman / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Social distance, please!
A rose-ringed parakeet needs some space at Kaudulla National Park, Sri Lanka. Photographed by Petr Sochman.
"This photo from January 2020 is the beginning of a scene which lasted approximately one minute and in which each of the birds used a foot to clean the partner's beak," said Sochman. "While the whole scene was very informative, this first photo with the male already holding his foot high in the air was just asking to be taken out of the context..."

(Image credit: © Sally Lloyd-Jones / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
It's a mocking bird
Sally Lloyd-Jones photographed this kingfisher who likes to break the rules in Kirkcudbright, U.K.
"I was hoping a Kingfisher would land on the 'No Fishing' sign but I was over the moon when it landed for several seconds with a fish," said Lloyd-Jones. "It then flew off with its catch. It appeared to be mocking the person who erected the sign!"

(Image credit: © Sue Hollis / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Sun salutation class
This laidback sea lion was photographed by Sue Hollis in the Galapagos Islands.
"We were surprised to see that Sea Lions actively practice Yoga. Guess they need to get their Zen as well," said Hollis.

(Image credit: © Thomas Vijayan / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Fun for all ages
Thomas Vijayan captured these gray langurs (Semnopithecus) playing around in Kabini, India.
"Shooting the most common is the most challenging thing. Langurs are very common but waiting for a right movement is very challenging and needs lots of patience. Photography is not about quantity I consider it more of a quality and a story telling frame which can put a smile in someone's heart," said Vijayan. "In 2014 I had made 15 trips to India in search of a perfect frame out of these trips. In one of the trips I could only get this frame and I am more than happy with this picture - a playful monkey with its family is a special frame for me."

(Image credit: © Yevhen Samuchenko / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
The race
Yevhen Samuchenko photographed these adventurous langurs at Hampi, India.
"My friends and I walked in the center of the small town of Hampi in India. There was a bicycle parking nearby. Suddenly a flock of langurs jumped on these bicycles and began to frolic. We were afraid to frighten them away, [so] I started taking pictures from afar, but then we came very close to them and the langurs continued to play with [the] bicycles," said Samuchenko.

(Image credit: © Brigitte Alcalay Marcon / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Crashing into the picture
Brigitte Alcalay Marcon captured one of the most amusing photo bombs in the wild, at Etosha National Park, Namibia.

(Image credit: © Bernhard Esterer / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Spreading the wildlife gossip
Who doesn't like a good gossip? Bernhard Esterer caught these lions in action in the Kalahari Desert, South Africa.

(Image credit: © Christina Holfelder / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
I could puke
We've all been there. Christina Holfelder snapped this gentoo penguin's well-timed event in the Falkland Islands.

(Image credit: © Danielle D'Ermo / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Tern tuning its wings
Danielle D'Ermo photographed this common tern "tuning its wings" in Florida.

(Image credit: © Eric Fisher / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Hi y'all
Eric Fisher met this friendly brown bear in Alaska.

(Image credit: © Esa Ringbom / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Not all bears are as forthcoming, as Esa Ringbom discovered in Kuhmo, East Finland.

(Image credit: © Femke van Willigen / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
The inside joke
Femke van Willigen photographed this amused Eurasian red squirrel in Espelo, Netherlands.

(Image credit: © Gail Bisson / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
COVID hair
Lockdown wasn't kind to our locks, as this reddish egret can sympathise with. This photo was shot by Gail Bisson in Fort De Soto, Florida.

(Image credit: © Jacques Poulard / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Jacques Poulard captured this polar bear's head-in-hand moment in Spitzberg, Norway.

(Image credit: © Jagdeep Rajput / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Like mother like daughter
An affectionate moment between Asian elephants, caught on camera by Jagdeep Rajput in Corbett National Park, India.

(Image credit: © Jagdeep Rajput / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
We're not sure we would be brave enough to play peekaboo with a royal bengal tiger, but that's just what Jagdeep Rajput did at Ranthambore National Park, India.

(Image credit: © Jill Neff / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Just chillin'
Jill Neff caught this racoon hanging out in Jackson, Ohio.

(Image credit: © Kay Kotzian / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
I think this tyre's gonna be flat
These curious young grizzly bears were photographed by Kay Kotzian in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

(Image credit: © Ken Crossan / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Having a laugh
This seal certainly finds something funny! It was photographed having a laugh by Ken Crossan in Caithness, Scotland.

(Image credit: © Kunal Gupta / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Wait up Mommy, look what I got for you!
Kunal Gupta caught this wonderful moment between two elephants in Kaziranga, India.

(Image credit: © Luis Martí / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Macaque striking a pose
This macaque in Uluwatu Temple, Bali is giving photographer Luis Martí its best pose.

(Image credit: © Asaf Sereth / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Surprise smiles
Asaf Sereth photographed these alert dwarf mongooses at Lake Bogoria, Kenya.

(Image credit: © Manoj Shah / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Laughing hippo
Manoj Shah photographed these hippos sharing a moment in Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

(Image credit: © Marcus Westberg / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Marcus Westberg photographed this fed up mountain gorilla in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda.

(Image credit: © Martin Grace / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Socially uninhibited
Don't mind us! Martin Grace caught this cheeky chacma baboon at River Chobe, Botswana.

(Image credit: © Max Teo / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
It's the last day of school holidays
Max Teo photographed these smooth-coated otters in an uncomfortable hug in Singapore.

(Image credit: © Mike Lessel / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Quiet please
Mike Lessel photographed this shushing kestrel at Huntington Beach, California.

(Image credit: © Nader Al-Shammari / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
How can I fly?
This eagle owl chick was photographed in Sakaka Al-Jouf, Saudi Arabia by Nader Al-Shammari.

(Image credit: © Pearl Kasparian / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
No penguins under here!
Pearl Kasparian photographed this penguin illustrating a point at Boulder's Beach, Cape Town, South Africa.

(Image credit: © Ramesh Letchmanan / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
I am champion
Photographer Ramesh Letchmanan celebrated with this snow monkey at Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan.

(Image credit: © Tim Hearn / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Ouch! Tim Hearn caught this African Elephant's faceplant in Namibia.

(Image credit: © Vicki Jauron / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
Vicki Jauron photographed this magical brown pelican at Fort Myers Beach, Florida.

(Image credit: © Wei Ping Peng / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
So hot
Wei Ping Peng took this great photo of an uncomfortable snow monkey in Japan.

(Image credit: © Yarin Klein / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020)
We all have that friend
There's always one isn't there? Yarin Klein photographed this funny brown bear in Kuril Lake, Kamchatka, Russia.

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5 Pictures of Different Animals
Source: https://www.livescience.com/funniest-animal-photos-ever.html