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Difference B W Photo and Picture

The use of both Pictures and Photos is that they help the people in preserving and conserving their memories of events, things, and people. They are taken to keep their memory or extraordinary events happened in the past safe and secure.

Picture vs Photo

The difference between Picture and Photo is that a photo is taken with the help of a camera, digital camera or photocopier. On the other hand, a picture is an artwork created on a computer.

A Picture is used to represent a visual of an object, a person or a scenery on a flat surface.

On the other hand, a Photo is used to represent a visual of any subject on a piece of paper.

Comparison Table Between Picture and Photo

Parameters of Comparison Picture Photo
Definition Picture is a drawing, painting or artwork created on computer. A picture also describes anything created with the help of a camera. Photo is taken with the help of a camera, digital camera or a photocopier.
Visualisation Picture is a visual representation of any object, person or a scenery on a flat surface. Photo is a visual representation of any subject on a piece of paper.
Includes A picture includes drawings, photography and paintings. A photo is taken with the help of a camera.
Type The picture can refer to the all types of visual imagining. A photo is a type of a picture.
Talent Needed To create a picture of something or someone, it needs a lot of talent and dedication. To create a photo, it only takes a few minutes to create a perfect photo.

What is Picture?

A picture is a drawing, painting or an artwork which is created on a computer. A picture is a visual representation of any object, person or a scenery on a flat surface. A picture is a graphical art that is used to take a clear image of what is being represented.

The word Picture is a very old English word that was derived from the Latin word "pictura" which means painting. It was first used in the English language during the 15th century. A picture is also described as anything that is created with the help of a camera or scanner.

A picture is usually made by hand. Most of them are either drawn or painted. A picture is an image where some groups of colored points on a flat surface appear to look like an object, a landscape or a person.

A picture of either objects, animals, people, scenery, or abstract images can be beautifully created with the help of colors, paints, pens, pencils, digital technology or the printing press and other mechanical, chemical.

A picture can easily refer to the all types of visual imagination. To create a perfect picture of either something or someone requires a lot of talent, commitment and dedication from the artist as it takes quite a while to make a picture perfect and complete.

A picture is created with the help of light and digital imaging technology after it is taken or recorded on a camera.

What is Photo?

A photo or a photograph is taken with the help of either a camera, digital camera or a photocopier. A photo is a visual representation of any subject on a piece of paper.

The word Photo (also called as Photograph) is a Middle English word has its rootsfrom the Latin word "pictura" which means "painting", has its roots from "pictus" or "painted".

The word Photo was used for the first time in the English language in the decade of 1800s. A photograph that is taken with the help of the lens of a camera and it can be further added to a photographic film, a CCD, or a CMOS chip.

A photo is taken by the hands but with the help of a camera, it is actually created and taken. An image is captured with the help of lens of the camera. It captures the new visual representation of either a photograph, whether is a person, thing or scene.

A photo is a type of a picture but the reverse case is not true, that is, a picture is not a type of a photo. Creating a perfect photo does not require a lot of talent, commitment and dedication and it takes only a few minutes to create a perfect and complete photo.

Main Differences BetweenPicture and Photo

  1. A Picture is a drawing, painting or an artwork created on a computer. On the other hand, a Photo is taken with the help of a camera or digital camera.
  2. A Picture is a visual representation of an object, a person or a scenery on a flat surface. On the other hand, a Photo is a visual representation of a subject on a piece of paper.
  3. A picture includes drawings, photography and paintings in it. On the other hand, a Photo is taken with the help of lens of a camera.
  4. A picture is used to refer to the all types of visual imagining. On the other hand, a Photo is a type of a picture.
  5. It requires a lot of talent and commitment to create a perfect Picture of something or someone. On the other hand, it does not requires a lot of talent and commitment to create a perfect Photo.
  6. A Picture needs time to complete. On the other hand, a Photo needs only a few minutes to be created.


The use of Picture and Photo is to capture and keep the memories of events, people or things safe and secure.

A Picture is a visual representation of any place, people or things that is embedded in either a drawing, painting or an artwork created on computer.

On the other hand, a Photo is a visual representation of something or someone on a piece of paper with the help of a camera, digital camera or a photocopier.



Difference B W Photo and Picture
